Bitcoin Payments for Digital Content Platforms

Open the doors for new, novel payout and payment methods for your Digital Content platform. Offer incredibly fast and flexible payment options for your creators, affiliates and partners with Bitcoin and the Lightning Network.

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How Bitcoin Brings New Opportunities for Digital Content Platforms


Micropayments aren’t possible on traditional payment processors because of the high base fee. The bitcoin lightning network allows you to send and receive payments less than $0.01, enabling new innovative pay per use business models. No more minimum payouts are required, you have the flexibility of paying creators any time, for any amount.

Instant Payouts and Payments

Unlike common payout/payment methods like credit/debit or paypal transfers, payments can be delivered instantly and become spendable, without any potential hang-ups or additional steps needed for your affiliates or partners.Attract content creators by offering permissionless, instant payments.

Reach New Audiences

Bitcoin advocates enthusiastically support charities that accept bitcoin as a form of payment. Enjoy the benefits of free marketing for your charity or NGO simply by accepting a superior form of payment. Get listed on many popular websites that showcase organizations that are joining the bitcoin ecosystem.

Streaming Payments Live

You can offer live streaming of money to and from content creators through the Lightning Network. Imagine a content creator collecting tiny payments for every second of their video or podcast stream that a subscriber consumes. You can unlock completely new business models with our Bitcoin ecosystem tools.


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