Bitcoin Payments for Crypto Companies
As time has gone on, more and more cryptocurrencies have launched and competed for users’ mindshare. However, Bitcoin still remains the original, largest and highest volume cryptocurrency demanded by the market. While Bitcoin is often misunderstood to be too slow and expensive to operate with a high throughput business or with low transaction sizes, with the advent of the Lightning Network, Bitcoin can be used in manners that are often faster and cheaper than most other cryptocurrencies. With Bitvora we enable you to use Bitcoin to its full potential in your crypto company.
Get Started For FreeHow Bitcoin on the Lightning Network is enabling innovation for Crypto Companies
Micropayments aren’t possible on traditional payment processors because of the high base fee. The bitcoin lightning network allows you to send payments less than $0.01, enabling new innovative pay per use business models.
Instant Settlement and Payments
Basic Bitcoin on chain payments typically take at least 10 minutes to confirm, but this can be wildly unreliable; sometimes taking up to an hour to be confirmed on the blockchain or requiring intervention to increase the fee. With the Lightning Network, payments can be delivered instantly and become spendable, without any potential hang-ups or additional steps needed for your customers or users. Deliver services to customers faster, with payments that are secure and spendable in an instant. Whether you’re looking for simple payouts, or want to use Bitcoin as one step in a complex multi-asset bridging operation, integrating with the Lightning Network will remove a lot of the friction.
Streaming Payments Live
You can offer live streaming of money through the Lightning Network. The unique combination of extremely cheap transaction fees, with near instant payment settlement means you can send smaller payments, faster. You can unlock completely new business models with our Bitcoin ecosystem tools.
Minimize Costs
Operating a crypto business comes with many risks and challenges, you shouldn’t have to be saddled with paying potentially high network fees to manage and send Bitcoin payments. Accepting payments with Bitvora are as low as 0.3% for Lightning payments, which gives you the freedom to not worry about the volatility of Bitcoin’s fees and the impact on your bottom line.